1969 Dodge Daytona Charger
440 Magnum Auto 3:55 Sure Grip 8-3/4
Owner: Don Bradshaw
Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchwan
Well I hoped you enjoyed all the pics for the March & April Mopar of the Month. As you can see Don eventually finished the Secret Service Daytona. If there's a better pic of a Daytona and the CF-18, I haven't seen it! Great job Don!!! As you can see Fon eventually got an offer that he couldn't turn down and let the Daytona go. It made its way to Washington State and we lost track of it there until it showed up at a couple on Mecum auctions and eventually sold for $125,000. Please click here to see the Mecum Auction page for this Daytona and be sure to view the video!!!
Hey Don what ever happened to that ride you promised me????

What is the story on this Daytona...I know you are asking yourself. Where did this Don Bradshaw guy find this treasure? Is it for sale? Is he restoring it? What are his plans for it? Well hopefully within the upcoming months the questions and more will be answered. Maple Leaf Mopars is proud to bring you Don's story on his EV2 Daytona Charger. Please check back from time to time on its progress. Here's the first installment:
In early June of 2002 I started to search for a Hemi car. In particular, I was looking for a Road Runner, as I had a 1968 383 car when I was in High School. It was a lot of fun to drive, and I never really got over selling it in 1978 ( I bought a new Corvette, and needed the money ).
I spotted an ad for a '69 Hemi Runner down in Kentucky. The engine was long gone, but it was a body with a 440 in it now, and the price was right. I flew down there within the week, but found the car had some corrosion issues, so I took a pass on it. I then spotted a Hemi Cuda rolling chassis for sale in the Vancouver area, but was disappointed to learn that I had missed it by a few days.
A friend told me about a small shop he had visited about 10 years ago in north western Nebraska, where he had spotted a Hemi Runner chassis beside the shop. It took a little doing, but I was able to track the shop's owner and location down. The owners name is name is Brad Parker, who is a bit of a legend when it comes to Mopars. In his day, he worked on number of great cars, including Daytonas, Superbirds, and Cudas. He once owned a survivor Hemi Roadrunner, but he sold it in 1994 after a close call with a tornado which went through his town. The car wasn't even scratched, but the houses on the other side of the street where heavily damaged. Too close for comfort, so he sold it soon after. It was featured in the December 94 Mopar Collectors Guide ( while with the new owner ), if you want to check it out.
Brad and I hit it off pretty good right away. I inquired about the Hemi Runner rolling chassis beside his shop. He gave me the telephone number of the owner, who resided in New Mexico. I called him up and offered him $ 12k US for it, but he turned me down flat. After all, he had traded an oil pump for it many years ago and couldn't stand to part with it. Oh well ! I called Mr. Parker back and thanked him for the lead. I asked him to keep me in mind if he came across anything interesting for sale. About a week later, he called me back and asked if I was interested in a Daytona project. Seems he had one in the corner of his shop, covered with a tarp, for the last 10-12 years. It belonged to a friend who was a Secret Service Agent in Maryland, who was planning on having him restore it over time. ( Although I now know the former owner's name, I've never met him or spoken with him on the phone. How's that for secret ?? ).
I told Brad that I wasn't really all that interested in a Daytona, as they were a bit ugly, although my friend had one. After I got off the telephone from his call, I looked them up on the internet and discovered they were quite rare. I called Brad back and asked about the price. It was a bit of a shock, but I let him know that I'd be interested if the car was in reasonable shape. He advised that it was originally a Colorado car, and they believed that it was last licensed in 1980-81. The odometer showed 27,391 miles, and it has been inside his shop since about 1990. Prior to that, it was in New Mexico, where the present owner purchased it.
Right after I finished supper that night, I told my wife that I was heading to Nebraska, and packed a bag and headed off right then. I was in Hay Springs, Nebraska a day and a half later. As I suspected, Brad Parker was a great guy, and his description of the car was spot on. I made the owner an offer, which Brad passed along. By the time I heard back, I was already back in Saskatoon. We had a deal !!!
It was a hectic week following that. I had to wire the funds to the owner, who then faxed me a copy of the car's Title, which had to be faxed to the Border crossing at least 72 hours prior to bringing the car into Canada. Let me tell you that it was very hard to part with that much money. It was more than I paid for our first house.
On Saturday, August 3rd, 2002 I arrived back in Hay Springs, Nebraska with a trailer to pick up my treasure. We had it loaded in about 4 hours, and I headed home. With a loaded trailer and a crew cab truck piled to the brim with new and used parts, there was no way I could stop at a hotel, so I just drove through the night and arrived at the Border at about 2 am. Both US and Canadian Customs were a piece of cake, and I was on my way again in about 30 minutes.
The attached pictures show the car the way I received it. They're a little
deceiving, as it looks a lot better than it was. That gray primer is 12 +
years old.

V88 - Charger rear bumble stripe deleteY39 - special order
26 - 26 inch rad
EN2 - end of codes
G33 - remote chrome drivers mirror
J25 - 3 speed wipers
M21 - drip rail mouldings
M31 - body belt mouldings
N85 - tach
R11 - am radio
A11 - Daytona Charger option package
A36 - performance axle package 3:55's
B51 - power disc brakes
C16 - console
C55 - buckets
G15 - tinted winshield
V2 - Hemi Orange upper body paint
V2 - Hemi Orange lower body paint
C6X - black vinyl buckets
X9 - black upper door
603 - scheduled build date June 3rd, 1969.
926247 - vehicle order number
E86 - 440 4bbl Magnum 375 HP
D32 - 3 speed auto tranny
XX29 - Daytona Charger
L - 440 Magnum
9 - model year 1969
B - assembled at Hamtramck, Michigan
402xxx - VIN
I've been working on the car quite a bit, and things are moving towards completion, probably the end of February 2003. The engine and tranny are the next things to be overhauled and installed. Once they're in, I'll install the nose and hood, and then apply the clearcoat to the entire car.
The new interior is in ( seat covers, headliner, carpet, and package shelf ) as is the dash and console. I rewired everything forward of the firewall, as the wiring was pretty stiff after all these years. I also replaced all of the old vacuum lines. I've been looking around for a new voltage regulator which looks like the original one. So far, the only ones I've found are a solid-state version which look completely different. Other than that and the three speed wiper, everything under the hood is new/rebuilt. I replaced all of the brake slave cylinders, as well as all of the pads and springs. ( I should have started off this project by owning an oil well !! ).
I had to disassemble the nose to properly prep and paint it. I'm not sure whether you've ever had to take one apart, but if the opportunity comes up, take a pass - it's a bit of a nightmare.
This Daytona was shipped to Skyline Dodge in Denver, Colorado on August 26, 1969. Seems quite a bit later than its scheduled build date. I wonder when it was actually assembled? And how long it was at Creative?
Nicely optioned car with the disc brakes, tach and the axle package. The option A36 included the 3:55 sure grip 8-3/4 axle, max cooling and Hemi suspension. The A11 Daytona package consisted of special windshield mouldings, front fender vents, HD 11 inch brakes, bucket seats, 727 auto tranny, 440 Magnum engine, HD battery, electric clock, rear bumper guards, Hemi suspension, Red Streak tires, Daytona bumble bee stripe and of course the wild wing and nose cone!!!
Here's the second installment:
Here's the third installment of Project Daytona:
Mopar of the Month
November 2014
Mopar of the Month
March 2008
Mopar of the Month
November 2014
Mopar of the Month
March 2008